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Interview Coaching

Interview Coaching

Personalized one-on-one coaching for those applying to college or graduate school and for those already in, entering, or re-entering the workforce.

College and graduate school applicants

Through her individualized coaching, Ethelyn helps high school students formulate their personal statements about who they are, what they want and what they can offer a school—enabling them to answer the two most-important questions for a college applicant: “Why do you want to go to this school,” and “What do you bring to the school that no one else will”?   With her coaching, high school students and graduate school applicants are able to articulate why they want to attend a particular college or university and how to manage the interview process, from the moment they are contacted to the follow-up communication with the interviewer. 


With colleges moving to test-score-optional admission the interview is a critical factor in whether or not you’ll be admitted to the school of your choice. And acing your medical school or business school interview is critical to admission.


Ethelyn will teach you how to turn a good interview into a great interview.  


First-Job Applicants

College students have spent years learning skills and being intellectually challenged.  Now they need to condense who and what they are into a single document, their resume. Once they pass the resume review process, the next step is the interview.  How you perform on your interview will determine if you get the job. It’s that simple.


Ethelyn will teach you what to expect before, during and after your interview, how to prepare, what to wear and the dos and don’ts of the process.  She will prepare you to answer the questions you’ll likely be asked and will help you formulate the questions you can and should ask; just as critical in the process.  Learn how to ace the interview and what to look for when deciding if a company is right for you.


Ethelyn will teach you how to turn a good interview into a great interview.  

Job re-entry and career changes

If you’re in the workforce already, or planning to re-enter after time off, you probably need to clean the rust off your interview skills. Ethelyn will help you focus on your accomplishments, articulate why you are uniquely qualified for jobs and put forward the best possible you.  You’ll learn how to highlight your qualifications, connect your experience with the job requirements, and portray your strengths in a positive way. You’ll learn various strategies and be able to address an absence from the job market as well as reasons for career or job changes.


Ethelyn will teach you how to turn a good interview into a great interview.  

R & CL

Resumes & Cover Letters

Ethelyn helps you prepare a resume and cover letter that get attention. The same concepts Ethelyn applies to interviewing are applied to developing a resume that makes your strengths shine through. Learn how to highlight your unique qualifications and to differentiate yourself from other applicants. Your resume needs to be perfect and Ethelyn helps you achieve that.

Web Presence (LinkedIn)

Creating a profile and presenting yourself on LinkedIn is critical for all job seekers. Ethelyn will show you how to use LinkedIn to your benefit and will explain the nuances of the platform that make the difference between being noticed and being invisible.



High School Students

Guidance counselors and administrators:  Help your seniors ace their college interviews by giving them the opportunity for hands-on coaching. Ethelyn explains how the students can succeed by discussing everything from what to wear, how to prepare, how to answer questions and what
questions to ask.  The workshop environment allows the students to learn from each other as they practice answering questions and providing feedback. In less than two hours, students will be more confident in their ability to ace the college interview and will know where to focus their efforts
to improve their skills.
Workshops are most effective if students have read Ethelyn’s book,  
Perfect Prep: An Insider’s Guide to Acing Your College Interview.
Contact Ethelyn today to set up a free workshop for seniors in your high school.

College Students

Career counselors and community leaders:  Help your seniors prepare for and ace their job interviews by giving them the opportunity for hands-on coaching.  Ethelyn explains how students can succeed by discussion everything from what to wear, how to prepare, how to answer questions
and what questions to ask.  The workshop environment allows the students to learn from each other as they practice answering questions and providing feedback. In less than two hours, students will be more confident in their ability to ace any job interview and will know where to focus their
efforts to improve their skills.
Contact Ethelyn today to set up a free workshop for college students.

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